[vc_row][vc_column][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Built to Suit: Mais segurança jurídica e maior fomento à atividade empresarial.” main_heading_color=”#000000″ alignment=”left” spacer=”line_only” spacer_position=”bottom” line_height=”2″ line_color=”#b9684b” main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Lora|font_call:Lora|variant:regular” main_heading_style=”font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:40px;” line_width=”60″ spacer_margin=”margin-top:10px;”][/ultimate_heading][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1554236693197{margin-top: 20px !important;}”]Uma das tendências do mercado imobiliário contemporâneo é o modelo de locação não residencial/comercial denominado Built to Suit, ou em uma tradução livre, “construído para servir”. Trata-se de uma inovação legislativa, um “estrangeirismo contratual” que importa do direito anglo-saxão maior autonomia de vontade entre as partes.
Em razão das transformações sociais e econômicas, novos modelos contratuais se fazem necessários. É uma tarefa dos legisladores e operadores do direito acompanhar essa constante evolução. Nesse contexto, o contrato de locação Built to Suit foi incorporado a legislação locatícia pela Lei 12744 de 2012, e desde então vem contribuindo muito para o mercado de “real estate” brasileiro, viabilizando desmobilizações patrimoniais, dando vazão a recursos financeiros para necessidades operacionais de caixa e investimentos o fomentando inclusive o mercado financeiro por meio de Certificados de Recebíveis Imobiliários comercializados com Companhias Securitizadoras.
Foco no que mais interessa
Muitas empresas, seja por uma questão de competitividade, governança ou regulamentação não são proprietárias de seus estabelecimentos físicos.
Ao invés de imobilizar o capital em um bem imóvel, de raiz, optam por injetar recursos em seu objeto social, fomentando assim a atividade empresarial em si, ou mantendo em outras aplicações financeiras com mais liquidez.
A aplicação em imóveis por empresas com finalidade e ramos de atuação diversos esbarra em um problema: a liquidez. No mercado atual, quem precisa vender um imóvel, muitas vezes demora anos para realizá-lo.
A lógica de locar ao invés de construir uma ou várias sedes para a empresa é simples: cumprindo o objeto social, existe muito mais chance de lucro do que especulando no mercado imobiliário, titularizando imóveis, principalmente para uma empresa que não é do ramo.
O Built to Suit no segmento bancário, financeiro
Para um banco ou cooperativa de crédito, por exemplo, é muito mais rentável emprestar a clientes e cooperados o valor equivalente aos milhões que necessariamente seriam investidos em uma construção ou aquisição de um terreno para instalação de uma agência.
O valor dos juros obtidos com esse capital que seria imobilizado e foi ofertado ao mercado supera o custo das locações mensais. Além da questão da viabilidade financeira, inúmeras regulamentações do Banco Central limitam a capacidade de uma empresa do setor financeiro de possuir patrimônio imobilizado sem liquidez.
Presença forte no ramo farmacêutico
No ramo farmacêutico o Built to Suit também é praticamente uma regra. Com o custo equivalente ao da construção de uma loja, a rede consegue locar e montar uma série de outras lojas utilizando esta modalidade de locação, cumprindo com êxito seu objeto social.
Oportunidade para o investidor
É aí que surge a oportunidade para o investidor. Mediante a contratação prévia e garantia de uma remuneração justa ao longo do tempo, o investidor, adquire, constrói ou reforma um imóvel na medida e sob encomenda para o LOCATÁRIO.
Geralmente são alugueis duradouros, com prazo de vigência de 15, 20 anos, e com valores superiores à média do mercado. Grandes redes, inclusive, costumam ter plantas e projetos padrão a serem construídas ao custo do LOCADOR.
Diferenças entre o Built to Suit e a Locação Tradicional
Em contrapartida a tal investimento, naturalmente o aluguel não pode ser composto apenas pela remuneração da locação em si. Também deve visar remunerar o proprietário ao longo do contrato pelo capital investido na construção/aquisição ou substancial reforma estratégica e sob encomenda para o LOCATÁRIO.
É muito comum nesses casos também a presença de uma companhia securitizadora. O Locador não raro transfere seus direitos de crédito à companhia, recebendo à vista o valor estabelecido. A companhia securitizadora, por sua vez, transforma o crédito do aluguel futuro em lastro de Certificados de Recebíveis Imobiliários (CRI´s) e os negocia no mercado, nos termos da lei 9514/1997.
Segurança Jurídica
Para viabilizar esse novo modelo de contratação (Built to Suit), a Lei 12744 de 2012 incluiu o art. 54 – A na Lei do Inquilinato, que trouxe maior segurança jurídica quando bem disciplinados no Contrato. A assessoria de um advogado especialista em direito imobiliário, que entende da matéria, é um fator essencial para garantir o retorno do investimento e conferir mais segurança ao negócio.
A Lei do Inquilinato (Lei 8245/1991) é uma lei de ordem pública. Por mais que o papel aceite tudo, são normalmente eivadas de nulidade as cláusulas do contrato que visem elidir à Lei de Locações.
Já quando pactuada uma Locação no formato Built to Suit, a regra protetiva prevista na clausula 45 da lei de locações é mitigada.
De acordo com o Art. 54-A da Lei 8245/1991 trazido pela última reforma legislativa, em locações atípicas como o Built to Suit, prevalecem as condições contratuais livremente estipuladas entre as partes contratantes, conferindo assim expressiva importância a qualidade jurídica do instrumento contratual.
Confere muito mais segurança ao investidor poder estipular, por exemplo, que caso o Locatario entregue o imóvel e pretenda romper o contrato antes do prazo estipulado, serão devidos todos os aluguéis até o fim do contrato, e não apenas a multa de até 3 aluguéis proporcionais geralmente aplicada no mercado.
A renúncia ao direito de revisão do valor da locação, que usualmente é um direito garantido pela lei de locações, também é uma inovação que traz mais segurança ao investidor do Built to Suit. Por mais que os valores de mercado daquele segmento de locação mudem, há o compromisso de remuneração da construção feita sob encomenda, e não apenas da locação em si.
Enfim, trata-se de um modelo interessante que permite ao empreendedor investir em seu “core business” sem se lançar a sorte no mercado imobiliário, e garante aos investidores mais segurança jurídica, fomentando a atividade empresarial e garantindo uma fonte de renda ao investidor ao longo do tempo.
Pós-Graduando em Direito Processual Civil no Instituto de Direito Romeu Felipe Bacellar;
Pós-Graduando em Direito Imobiliário pela Universidade Positivo;
Corretor de Imóveis pelo CRECI-PR;[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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All in all, the goal is to create normalcy in your vary of motion (which could be in line with the above ranges of motion), not to be overly flexible.
So just work to realize a traditional vary of movement, nothing more, nothing much less.
After practicing handstand kick ups for a couple of weeks, try to do handstand holds for max time.
We begin with compound actions central to most higher body exercises before transferring to shoulder-specific actions and dedicated anterior deltoid workouts.
Your lateral delts are engaged most in the course of the upper half of your arm’s vary of
movement. This means that if you’re going to be spending time increase
your delts, then you should make sure your
weights are coming all the way up till they’re in line with your shoulders.
Whereas these are important for size and strength, neglecting
the rear delts can go away your physique trying incomplete.
Equally, arm workouts like tricep dips or bicep curls can indirectly
work your shoulders. It Is not a lot totally different for the non-powerlifter
who likes to go hard on chest day with a wide
selection of presses and flyes. And should you think the pull-ups,
pulldowns and rows you do for back will sufficiently hit the rear delts…
Scale again the burden to show up the heat with this
DOMS-inducing shoulder-building routine. Varying the order of workout routines in your routine ensures balanced improvement and prevents plateaus.
This strategy keeps the muscles adapting and bettering repeatedly.
As earlier than, the video above will show you how to do cable raises, and the bullet factors below
describe the form for using dumbbells. You practice shoulders religiously every
week, however you’re not making progress, you’re continuously in ache, and you’re able to scrap shoulder work altogether.
The anterior or front deltoid is primarily liable
for shoulder flexion and horizontal adduction. That is raising your arm in entrance of you (e.g., entrance raise)
and performing a chest fly movement [1,2].
The barbell overhead carry puts your body under plenty of tension while constructing shoulder strength and mass.
What’s better is that the train doesn’t only improve your bodily power, but in addition your
psychological toughness. Push-ups are one of the most environment friendly, efficient and finest shoulder
exercises for males – they’ll target your chest muscles within the course of, too.
The cable face pull targets your trapezius muscular
tissues and different areas of the upper back,
including all spherical strength and stability to your upper physique.
Strengthening your shoulders isn’t nearly aesthetics both.
Stronger shoulders will assist enhance your type during
other workout routines and also increase your PRs for compound lifts,
as your muscular tissues work in tandem. Likewise, discovering your excellent supplement match will lead to even more epic muscle progress and supercharged shoulder power.
By this level, your rear delts are most likely feeling
a bit overlooked, so let’s get them working, too. Just make sure to begin out out at a lighter weight
and maintain that sluggish and managed kind.
Watch the video above for tips on how to do cable raises,
or comply with the bullet factors beneath if using light dumbbells.
This means performing them one after the opposite, with no relaxation, for
10 reps every.
Shoulder presses and upright rows will hit
the center and front delts. Lateral raises goal the center delts and entrance raises target the front delts.
The face pull is doubtless one of the most effective posture workout routines you are able to do.
It hits all of the muscular tissues throughout the again of your shoulders, together with these all-important rear deltoids.
The other half of your coaching may be cut up between heavier masses, fewer reps, and higher-rep, lower-intensity training.
Underdeveloped or lagging shoulders result from poor training
approach, lack of progressive overload, and imbalanced amounts of rear, medial, and entrance
delt coaching. Insufficient carbohydrate and protein consumption can even trigger
weak shoulders. Don’t underestimate the diploma to which different muscle teams take over when your
shoulders fatigue. Towards the end of a difficult set, your legs, core, and decrease again could start to interact to
complete the ultimate reps.
Sit on the tip of an exercise bench with a dumbbell in each hand and your arms down by your sides.
This super-compound exercise combines two actions in a
single to completely hammer your shoulders. Press the dumbbells
up and overhead so they arrive collectively on the high of every rep.
Take a dumbbell in every hand and lift them to shoulder height along with your palms facing ahead.
A lot of exercisers discover dumbbells extra comfortable to use than barbells.
However, there are a couple of exceptions, one of which is the barbell upright row.
Nevertheless, with out energy being generated from the powerful glutes and quads (as in a push press) the masses
used for overhead press shall be lighter.
The shoulder muscle, or deltoid, is composed of three heads,
the rotator cuff muscle tissue and the trapezius. To maximize your shoulders, you should hit each part of them.
Unfortunately, there isn’t an train that
equally hits all three heads, so you need different workout routines.
The trapezius can be heavily concerned, as it helps to
stabilize the shoulders. Secondary activated muscular tissues include the
anterior deltoids, biceps, brachialis, and forearm muscles.
You’ll additionally find one of the best workouts and coaching strategies to assist you develop weak or underdeveloped shoulder muscular tissues.
The movements required for the push press and an overhead press are comparable, with the one distinction being
that the overhead press is solely a press with no help from the legs.
In phrases of particularly concentrating on the delts, the overhead press is an excellent exercise.
There’s no doubting the aesthetic advantages
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Here are 4 causes to incorporate direct neck training
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huge traps make someone appear to be the Incredible Hulk without turning green. Sam Rider is
an skilled freelance journalist, specialising in well being, health and wellness.
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Sam can additionally be a REPS level 3 qualified personal trainer, on-line coach and founding father of Your Day By Day Fix.
The chin up will work your arms extra, while the pull up will work your shoulders extra.
Examine out upright row alternate options to see
which fits your routine finest. Nothing beats activating these two essential arm muscle
tissue, that are situated on reverse sides of the upper arm.
You ought to give your shoulders no much less than 24–48 hours of
rest between exercises to allow for adequate restoration and prevent
injury. Nevertheless, working in heavy low-rep presses to extend your maximal energy
might be essential as you turn into extra advanced.
This is considered one of my favourite exercises that I do every time I work
out my shoulders. Weight coaching with dumbbells may be
useful for attaining hypertrophy and increasing influence on a particular muscle group.
Beginners may discover training shoulders once a week is enough,
whereas more superior lifters could profit from two periods per week.
If you do determine to hit your delts twice
weekly, one method may be to include one power workout and one other one hypertrophy in your plan. The
rotator cuff is concerned in all shoulder and upper body exercises,
and a few movements target it extra immediately, a number of of
that are described under. With that in mind, right here is
some basic details about the basic construction and
performance of your shoulder muscle tissue. The deltoids comprise three heads — anterior (front),
medial (middle), and posterior (rear).
We’ve answered some generally requested questions about shoulder workouts that can help you determine the place to
begin when working this essential space of your physique.
Lateral raises are perfect for together with each in all-round physique workout routines and shoulder-specific periods.
They additionally assist with general improved posture,
which might make other shoulder exercises easier to carry out.
Bent over reverse flyes target a posh community of shoulder muscular tissues, so
they are ideal for health lovers eager on working this area.
As your shoulders, traps, and biceps grow, you can start including more weight for extra features.
Offered you start with low weights when beginning this exercise for the
first time, you can include these in your routines 2-3 instances
per week.
The angle of the cable overhead press might help recruit new muscle fiber that’s
not engaged a lot with other kinds of shoulder presses as a result of the drive is knocking down behind
you. Even although you may not see many people utilizing
the cable machine for shoulder presses, mixing in your shoulder
exercise is a unbelievable train for additional variety. We simply highlighted one of the best of the best when it comes
to the perfect workouts in your dumbbell shoulder workout.
With the arms outstretched; proceed to tug the rope again towards the face and allow the handles to separate and run by the side of every cheek.
Shrugs are an important exercise when it comes to targeting the trapezius; that is nevertheless only the case
when it’s performed accurately as mentioned earlier. Ensure that you simply at all times squeeze on the
very high of the movement and control the adverse (downwards element) as this
can make positive you fully “attack” the muscle tissue in query.
That method, your delts should attain failure earlier than your triceps do.
For the overhead press, start through the use of dumbbells,
which are slightly tougher to regulate and have a slightly longer range of movement than a barbell.
We’ll also observe a reverse-pyramid scheme, which permits you to take extra total units
to muscle failure. As you become more and more
fatigued, lower the burden by about 5 kilos per facet
on subsequent units. Lastly, on your two heaviest units, enlist a spotter who can provide you just enough
help to keep the load transferring.
Beginners can construct up a very strong power foundation with dumbbells alone.
Nonetheless, as you turn out to be more superior, it’ll be necessary to work in heavy low-rep presses with
barbells to increase your maximal power. The shoulders play a role important in workout routines
such as vertical and horizontal presses and rows and chin-ups and pull-ups.
In some workout routines, they are the secondary muscles allowing
the primary muscular tissues to do their job.
For your shoulder workout, we suggest using a supinated grip, as this enables for extra rotation at the finish of the motion, focusing the work in the rear delts.
Lateral raises can be carried out using dumbbells or a cable,
giving you the flexibility to coach both arms simultaneously or separately.
Go light, but make certain you are using a weight that’s
challenging enough for 8-12 reps – trust us after we say you’ll really feel the burn shortly on these!
These are the questions that coaches and exercise scientists have been knocking back and forth for years now.
The biceps is a small muscle and can be closely concerned in most workouts whenever
you prepare your again. That implies that you can’t go overboard together with your biceps work, otherwise you risk overtraining.
At the identical time, you need enough stimulus to trick your biceps into growth.
The preacher curl must be your go-to exercise whenever you wish to isolate your biceps fully.
You place your higher arm in a exhausting and fast position, making it inconceivable to cheat or to use different muscles to help curl the burden up.
The biceps brachii (or simply the biceps for short)
is a two-headed muscle situated at the front of the upper arm.
If you want to construct a bigger and stronger rear delt, you need to add bent-over lateral raises to your shoulder workout routine.
What makes the Stability Ball Cobra so effective for the rear delts?
The train requires you to raise your arms in opposition to gravity while
sustaining steadiness on the stability ball.
This action engages the rear deltoids intensely as they work to
stabilize and carry your upper physique. When you perform an Incline
Dumbbell Y Raise, you’re engaging in an upward lifting motion that’s
diagonally aligned, identical to the letter
‘Y’. This unique angle locations a higher demand in your rear deltoids, shifting the primary target from the extra generally engaged
front and center deltoids.
I’ve combined my knowledge of analysis and experience to bring you the most sensible bites to be applied to your training.
Right Here is a high view to have the ability to see the activation of the deltoids from another angle.
As I go to boost these dumbbells up, the first transfer is NOT this.
These muscle groups need so badly to kick in to assist with the lift, particularly through
the first few levels of the movement. Earlier Than I get into the nitty gritty of this shoulder building
technique I wished to indicate you ways I KNOW it actually
works. Bend on the hips in order that your torso
is 45 levels, however keep your head, backbone, and pelvis aligned.
By training the targeted energy, mobility and breathing workouts above, you’ll be able to
tackle the root causes of the stress, improve operate and stop future discomfort.
You can break up your sets because the reps begin creeping up – for instance, on your set of eleven you might carry
out 7 reps, drop your weights, take a breath after which go once more for
an additional four. Hold in mind all reps should be performed within 60 seconds, and your next spherical starts once more at the end of the
minute. If you’ve been primarily coaching your shoulders in a single aircraft of motion, Swap up your movements to yield higher
positive aspects. Pepti-Plex by SNS is a muscle-building peptide supplement formulated to help muscle progress, endurance, and restoration. It
combines components that work collectively to enhance
performance and aid in faster muscle repair.
Utilizing dumbbells for lure workouts helps promote balanced
muscular development. Since each side of the body works independently, unilateral coaching with dumbbells helps to establish
and proper energy imbalances between either side of the physique.
This balanced approach contributes to symmetrical muscle progress and useful energy.
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